Carburación y Partes Electricas
Carburadores y sus Partes: Inyectores, Agujas, Empacaduras, Selenoides, Flotantes, Valvulas de Potencia, Espreas (Gilets)
Partes Electricas: Cables de Bujias, Tapas, Rotores. Switch de Encendido, Luz, Freno, Presion Aceite
Sensores de Oxigeno, Ciguñal, Leva, MAP, MAF. Válvulas TPS, IAC, Presión de Combustible
Fusibles, Reles, Filtros de Gasolina, Bombillos
Sistema de Inyección de Combustible (FUEL INJECTION)
We offer a wide range of automotive parts including electrical, fuel, and emission components.
Our Services
Specializing in electrical parts, fuel components, and emission parts.
Specialized Parts
Great products and excellent customer service. Highly recommend!
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I have been using their parts for years and have always been satisfied with the quality.
About Us
We are a leading exporter of automotive parts, specializing in electrical, fuel, and emission components.